Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems

Project Highlights
Team Members
Partner Organizations


Summary and project objectives

This research project deals with the mathematics of risk modeling and resource management, and the statistical analysis of financial data. The objective is to develop and implement new mathematical and statistical tools for pricing derivatives, hedging risk exposures and managing portfolios.
This project is a direct extension of our earlier program within MITACS, which was highly successful, but will include a considerably renewed set of research projects.
The team now includes ten well-known researchers, from several universities, in the fields of mathematical finance, statistics and econometrics: M. Carrasco, J-M Dufour, S.Gonçalves, B. Perron (Un.De Montréal, L. Khalaf (Carleton Un.), M. Rindisbacher (Un. of Toronto), N. Meddahi (Toulouse School of Economics), J. Detemple (Boston University), R Garcia (EDHEC Business School), and E,Renault (Un. Of North Carolina Chapel Hill). The project will be pursued in association with the Finance branch of CIRANO and its partners [AXA, Laurentian Bank of Canada, Bank of Montreal, Caisse de dépôt et de placement du Québec, National Bank of Canada, RBC, Bell Canada, Hydro-Québec, Desjardins, Montreal Stock Exchange, the Ministère des Finances (Québec), Raymond, Chabot, Grant, Thornton, and the Institut de finance mathématique de Montréal].


A. Characteristics function methods in finance

Affine models are very popular in modeling financial time series as they allow for analytical calculation of prices of financial derivatives like treasury bonds and options. The main property of affine models is that the conditional cumulant function, defined as the logarithmic of the conditional characteristic function, is affine in the state variable. Consequently, an affine model is Markovian, like an autoregressive process, which is an empirical limitation. The main goal of the project is to generalize affine models by adding in the current conditional cumulant function the past conditional cumulant function. Hence, generalized affine models are non-Markovian, such as ARMA and GARCH processes, allowing one to disentangle the short term and long-run dynamics of the process. Importantly, the new model keeps the tractability of prices of financial derivatives. The first paper will study the statistical properties of the new model, derives its conditional and unconditional moments, as well as the conditional cumulant function of future aggregated values of the state variable which is critical for pricing financial derivatives. We will derive the analytical formulas of the term structure of interest rates and option prices. Different estimating methods will be considered (MLE, QML, GMM, and characteristic function based estimation methods). We plan to do three empirical applications. The first one will consider a no-arbitrage VARMA term structure model with macroeconomic variables and will show the empirical importance of the inclusion of the MA component. In the second application we will model jointly the high-frequency realized variance and the daily asset return in order to provide the term structure of risk measures such as the Value-at-Risk. The third application will use the model developed in the second application in order to price options theoretically and empirically.

B. Regularization methods in finance

We are interested in the estimation of financial models. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the underlying models assume continuous-time data, whereas the observations are discrete. As a result, the conditional likelihood of the observations is not available in closed form and therefore maximum likelihood estimation is not feasible. However in some cases, a closed-form expression of the characteristic function (CF) is available. As the information contained in the CF is the same as that contained in the likelihood, an estimator based on the CF will be as efficient as that based on the likelihood. The theory on using the CF for estimating diffusions has been developed Singleton (2001), Jiang and Knight (2002), Chacko and Viceira (2003), and more recently by Carrasco, Chernov, Florens, and Ghysels (2007). However, some technical issues remain and will be addressed here. In particular, we will develop a data-driven selection method for the tuning parameter that will permit us to reach the same efficiency as the maximum likelihood. An application on real financial data will complete this project.

Integrated volatility is crucial for the accurate pricing of financial instruments. But a good estimator of the integrated volatility remains to be found. When financial data are observed at a high frequency, a way to estimate the integrated volatility is to use the realized volatility. However, the estimation precision is plagued by the presence of a noise, called microstructure noise. The noise importance increases with the frequency of the observations. Although the presence of such noise is commonly acknowledged, little is known on its properties. This project intends to fill this gap. To do so, we write a parametric model which is flexible enough to be realistic and we derive consistent estimators for the various parameters. We propose a battery of tests applied to the Dow Jones and show that the microstructure noise is autocorrelated and correlated with the asset price itself. This paper would complement recent work by Barndorff-Nielsen, Hansen, Lunde, and Shephard (2008).

Since the seminal work of Markowitz (1952), mean-variance optimization has been considered the most rigorous way to perform portfolio selection. However, the implementation of this approach meets serious difficulties. In particular, the empirical covariance matrix is ill-conditioned when the number of assets is large. There have been various attempts to stabilize the inverse of the covariance matrix, including the shrinkage approach of Ledoit and Wolf (2003). However, in a recent article, DeMiguel, Garlappi and Uppal (2007) show via simulations that the out-of-sample performance of the mean-variance portfolio model and its extensions does not manage to outperform the naïve portfolio where each asset receives an equal share. Our aim is to improve the current stabilization techniques of the covariance matrix by using regularization techniques borrowed from the statistical literature on inverse problems (see Carrasco, Florens and Renault, 2007). We will consider various types of regularizations including the LASSO, ridge and bridge regularizations. All these regularization techniques involve a smoothing parameter that needs to be selected. We will try to device a selection technique that will maximize the out-of-sample performance in terms of Sharpe ratio.

C. Volatility measurement: multivariate and nonlinear methods

High frequency returns are often used to compute risk measures. A popular example is the realized beta, which results from the regression of the high frequency returns on one asset on the high frequency returns of the market portfolio. Realized correlations and realized covariance are two other popular measures of risk that rely on high frequency returns. For these measures, inference is usually based on the first order asymptotic theory as derived by Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (henceforth BN-S) (2004). In particular, this paper provides a central limit theorem result for the realized covariance matrix over a fixed time interval assuming that the number of high frequency returns increases to infinity. The delta method implies that a central limit theorem also holds for smooth functions of the elements of the realized covariance, thus including the realized covariance, the realized correlation and the realized regression coefficients as special cases. Although very convenient, the first order asymptotic approximation based on the standard normal distribution is not without problems. The simulation results of BN-S (2004) and Dovonon, Gonçalves and Meddahi (2008) for realized multivariate volatility measures show that the quality of this asymptotic approximation can be poor if sampling does not occur frequently enough. However, sparse sampling is often used as a caution against the effects of microstructure noise on these realized volatility measures.
To improve the finite sample performance of their feasible asymptotic theory approach, BN-S (2004) proposed the Fisher-z transformation for realized correlation. This analytical transformation does not apply more generally. In particular, it cannot be applied to covariance measures nor to realized regression coefficients, which can be negative and larger than one in absolute value. In a recent paper, Gonçalves and Meddahi (2008) propose a class of nonlinear transformations of realized volatility based on the Box-Cox transform. This class includes the log transformation as a special case. Gonçalves and Meddahi (2008) prove that the log transform dominates the raw version of realized volatility. Their results also show that there are other choices of the Box-Cox transform that dominate the log transform. In particular, the realized precision (the inverse of the realized volatility) provides more accurate confidence intervals for the integrated volatility than the log transform.
The main goal of the present project is to propose nonlinear transformations of multivariate measures of volatility with improved finite sample properties than the raw statistics themselves. In particular, we will consider the realized covariance, the realized regression and the realized correlation coefficients. We will follow the same strategy that Gonçalves and Meddahi (2008) used in the univariate context. Specifically, we will derive the higher order expansions of the first and third order cumulants of a general class of nonlinear transformations of the multivariate measures of volatility, and then solve for the transformations that eliminate the bias and skewness of the first term of these higher order expansions. As in Gonçalves and Meddahi (2008), our transformations will depend on unknown quantities that need to be estimated. We will propose consistent estimators for these quantities. Our transformations will be particularly useful for realized regression coefficients, where no such transformations were known to date.

D. Relationships between returns and volatility

In this project, we propose to use realized variance and the bipower variation to analyze the relationship between expected returns and their variance. In paritcular, we will analyze this relationship using long-horizon regressions, common in the literature on the predictability of stock returns. These long-horizon regressions concentrate on the dynamics that are of interest to long-term investors such as the pension funds. Bandi and Perron (2008) consider regressions of the type:

The term on the left is the excess returns on the market portfolio between periods T and t+k. The term of right-hand side is the realized variance of the market portfolio between periods t-k and T. The use of longer horizons decreases the noise in the measurement of expected returns and gives more powerful tests (Campbell, 2001). The recent literature on long-run risks (Bansal and Yaron, 2004; Hansen, Heaton and Li, 2008; Bansal, Diitmar and Kiku, 2007; Maheu and McCurdy, 2007) suggests that agents value risks differently in the short and long runs and that the long-run risks are more important. In fact, Bandi and Perron (2008) find that variance predicts better long-run returns than short-run returns. The coefficients ß in the regression above increase dramatically after 5 years. Measurement errors caused by the presence of microstructure will have consequences on the estimation of the relationship between long-run expected returns and past realized variance. We know that, in general, measurement error on an explanatory variable leads to a bias towards 0 and non-convergence of the estimators. Characterizing microstructure noise in the estimation of the realized variance enables us to deduce the consequences for the estimation of the parameter of interest in the regression above. Moreover, this additional structure on the measurement error should enable us to trace the effects in time (in terms of various horizons) of this phenomenon. We will thus be able to quantify the impact of neglecting this source of risk on the choices of a long-run investor to look at the sensitivity of the results of Bandi and Perron to the presence of these microstructure noises.

Moreover, the literature on the valuation of financial assets, especially the derivatives, shows the importance of accounting for the presence of jumps. We will thus use the bi-power variations suggested by Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2002) which make it possible to separate the estimation of jumps from that of the variance. This will enable us to separate the impact on future long-run returns of jump and variance forecasts.

We can also use realized variance obtained from high-frequency data to analyze the effect of ariance at various frequencies on returns. To accomplish this, we will use the heterogeneous ARCH (HARCH) model suggested by Müller and al (1997) and Corsi (2004) and used recently by Andersen, Bollerslev and Diebold (2007). This model links excess returns to the variance measured at various horizons. It will thus entail regressing excess returns over a given period, say one month, on the variance over various periods, for example, one month, 6 months, one year and 5 years as in:
where is market variance (as measured by the realized variance) over a period of k months. Dividing by k ensures that the regressors are in comparable units.

The estimated coefficients will measure, at various horizons, the impact of movements in variance on returns. Recent results of Maheu and McCurdy (2007) suggest that the long-run components, those which change most slowly, are most important.

Finally, we consider extending this analysis to a cross-sectional context. That is we want to use realized variance as a conditioning variable in an asset-pricing model. In this model, risk aversion (and betas) would evolve over time according to a dynamics characterized by the realized variance of the market index. We will employ this conditional model on the 25 Fama and French (1996) portfolios sorted by size and value (the ratio of book value and market value). As in the two preceding cases, we expect that the power of this conditional model to reduce the pricing errors will be larger at longer horizons, 5 years and more.

E. Factor models and identification problems in finance

E.1 Identification-robust inference in factor-based and structural asset pricing models

Arbitrage Pricing Theory based factor models [Ross (1976), Black (1972), Gibbons (1982), Barone-Adesi (1985), Shanken (1986), Zhou (1991, 1995), Campbell, Lo, and MacKinlay (1997, chapters 5 and 6), Velu and Zhou (1999) and Barone-Adesi, Gagliardini and Urga (2004a,b)] are a workhorse in empirical asset pricing to this day. Structural general equilibrium frameworks are also popular nowadays for fitting various financial models; these include multifactor pricing models when factors are observed with error, the conditional CAPM, and stochastic-discount-factor based models [MacKinlay and Richardson (1991), Jagannathan and Wang (1996), Harvey and Kirby (1996), Ferson and Harvey (1999), Ferson and Foertster (1994), Ferson (2003), Ferson and Siegel (2006)]. Such models are often empirically fragile because of statistical irregularities, and risks of spurious and misleading results that do not hold up to identification challenges are serious. Indeed, in such context, identification issues stem from the underlying theoretical structure, endogeneity and errors-in-variables, and nonlinear and reduced-rank restrictions; related problems arise in when the number of portfolios exceeds available sample size so variance-covariance estimates face singularity problems. We propose to develop inference procedures that are immune to such difficulties, i.e. that achieve error control whether the statistical framework is weakly or strongly identified [Dufour (2003); Stock, Wright and Yogo (2002)].

From a methodological perspective, we propose to develop a set of econometric tools that are useful for estimating and assessing the fit of a system of possibly structural equations. These tools would allow one to focus on a sub-model of choice yet are robust to many characteristics of the underlying full model, including full identification, missing instruments or error-in-variable problems. To circumvent identification problems, we propose set estimates for parameters of interest based on inverting: (i) Hotelling-type pivotal statistics, and (ii) multivariate extension of Anderson-Rubin type pivotal statistics. Hotelling's T² criterion is a widely used pivot in multivariate statistics and mostly serves for multivariate test purposes. Our proposed confidence sets promise much more informational content than such tests; we also propose simulation-based extensions for the case when the number of equations exceeds available sample size. As for the Anderson-Rubin statistic, while a large recent literature has documented its usefulness in univariate contexts, multi-equation extensions have not been directly addressed.

From the empirical perspective, we propose to first consider various linear factor models and focus on factor selection and assessment methods. We aim to analyze various factor sets, including empirically motivated factors [(Fama and French (1995)] and alternative theoretically and empirically motivated factors [see Shanken and Weinstein (2006), Campbell and Vuolteenaho (2004) Bai and Ng (2006), and Ferson (2003)]. We also aim to document the effects of redundant factors and the number or considered securities or portfolios. Our proposed methods are appealing given that: (i) empirical work in the last decade in finance has relied considerably on Fama and French factors although studies are now coming out which question such models [see e.g. Shanken and Weinstein (2006) and the editor’s note by Ferson (2006)], (ii) traditional models which assume that returns move proportionally to the market have not fared well empirically [see Campbell (2000)], (iii) available related studies rely on regular asymptotics so there is no guarantee that results are non-spurious. Secondly, we propose to consider pricing models with conditioning information. Conditional asset pricing models motivated by financial market equilibrium principles are at the forefront of modern finance. Empirically, conditioning information takes the form of lagged financial variables that serve as instruments so equilibrium models can be confronted to the data. As emphasized by Ferson and Siegel (2006), and in view of our earlier work on conditional efficiency tests [see Beaulieu, Dufour and Khalaf (2007)], an important concern consists in integrating such instruments tractably and efficiently. Indeed, whereas using a large number of assets and more conditioning variables is conceptually appealing, degrees-of-freedom crunches along with numerical problems [such as inverting high-dimensional cross-correlation matrices] cause major difficulties in practice. In addition, a key issue in this context (which relates to Rolls’s critique (Roll (1977); see also the discussion in Ferson (2003) and the references therein) concerns testability when the full information set is not observed. In view of its statistical properties particularly on robustness to missing instruments, we believe that our proposed procedure holds great promise in this context.

E.2 Noisy Betas: A New Approach to Estimating and Testing Cross-Sectional Asset Pricing Models

The standard methodology in empirical tests of cross-sectional asset pricing models is based on a two-pass approach. The first step is to estimate the betas. The second step is to estimate a cross-sectional regression of expected returns on the betas. The coefficients on the betas are the estimated risk prices associated with the factors (and may reflect the underlying parameters of the asset pricing model, such as the coefficient of relative risk aversion). In this context, noisy betas are a well-known problem that can lead to biased estimates and poor test performance. More formally, this may be viewed as an errors-in-variables problem: an estimated beta (factor loading) is equal to the true beta plus noise (measurement error). On this issue, see, e.g., Shanken (1992, 1996), Kim (1995), Ferson (1995), Shanken and Weinstein (2006), and Shanken and Zhou (2007).
Noisy betas can create serious problems for tests of asset pricing models. Many estimation techniques will yield point estimates with seemingly tight standard errors, even when the data contain little information about the true parameter. The usual confidence intervals may be tightly centered on the wrong value of the parameter. Weak identification can therefore lead to poor coverage. In other words, the estimated confidence interval may not contain (cover) the true value of the parameter. For example, in some versions of the ICAPM, the coefficients on the betas reflect the coefficient of relative risk aversion. In a situation where noisy betas lead to poor coverage, the true value of the coefficient of relative risk aversion could be 2, but, if the point estimate is 45 and the standard error is 10, a 5% confidence interval will be approximately (25, 65), which does not cover the true value of 2.
Several ways of dealing with noisy betas have been suggested. It is standard practice to group individual securities into portfolios, based on the idea that the noisiness of portfolio betas is lower than that of individual securities. A second approach applies a correction formula to asymptotic standard errors. For a concise review of the errors-in-variables problem with estimated betas, see section 5.8 of Campbell, Lo, and MacKinlay (1997). Litzenberger and Ramaswamy (1979) developed an approach to correcting the standard errors, which was further refined by Shanken (1992). This is clearly an important step forward, but it does not address the problem of bias. There is also some debate about the reliability of the correction formulas; see, e.g., Ferson (1995), Kan and Zhang (1999), and Kan and Chen (2004). A third approach is to use simulation-based corrections based on bootstrapping. See Campbell and Vuolteenaho (2004) for a sophisticated example. There are two important problems with the bootstrapping approach. First, it is typically only used to improve the standard errors, not to correct the bias. Second, there is a potentially important technical problem. The estimated betas are "generated regressors"; i.e., they are the result of a first-pass regression estimate. The reliability of bootstrapping procedures depends on regularity conditions. These regularity conditions may fail (or hold only weakly) in regressions where the independent variables are generated regressors. For econometric analysis of these issues, see, e.g., Dufour (1997, 2003) and Stock, Wright and Yogo (2002).
We propose to introduce a new approach to estimating and testing cross-sectional asset pricing models that is robust to measurement error in betas. Our method generally works as follows. We conduct a statistical assessment of pricing errors viewed [as with the GMM principle], as functions of model parameters. On this basis, we define a formal measure of model fit [in the spirit of a J-type specification test] that accounts for pre-estimation of the betas; we then derive the set of model parameters that are statistically compatible, given the data, with this measure. This set is guaranteed to cover the true (unknown) parameters [i.e. the true (unknown) models] following the desired statistical precision level, even with noisy betas. We aim to design a comprehensive simulation study to assess the statistical properties of our proposed method; we also aim to apply our approach to various beta-pricing models with focus on the Campbell-Vuolteenaho two-beta model.



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List of publications

Beaulieu, M.-C., Dufour, J.-M. and Khalaf, L., 2007, ``Testing mean-variance efficiency in CAPM with possibly non-gaussian errors: an exact simulation-based approach'' (with Marie-Claude Beaulieu and Lynda Khalaf), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 25 (2007), 4, 398-410.

Carrasco, M., Florens, J.-P., and Renault, J.-P. 2007, “Linear Inverse Problems in Structural Econometrics” in The Handbook of Econometrics, Vol. 6B, edited by J.J. Heckman and E. E. Leamer, 2007.

Dufour, J.-M., and Valéry, P., 2008, ``Exact and asymptotic tests for possibly non-regular hypotheses on stochastic volatility models" (with Pascale Valéry), Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming.

Gonçalves, S. and Meddahi, N., 2008, "Bootstrapping Realized Volatility", Econometrica, forthcoming.

Bandi, F., and Perron, B., Long-run risk-return trade-offs (avec Federico Bandi), Journal of Econometrics, 143, 349-374.



As stated above, this project deals with the mathematical theory of risk modelling and resource management, and it includes both some research and technology transfer activities in relation with our industrial partners. The transfer activities take place in the context of the Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations (CIRANO), where fundamental purpose consists precisely in establishing links and collaboration between nonacademia institution and university researchers. In the case of MITACS, this collaboration is done in the context of Finance group of CIRANO.

The project partners are CIRANO (and its industrial affiliates in Finance, Banque Nationale du Canada, Hydro- Québec, Laurentian Bank of Canada, Desjardins Global Asset Management) and CIREQ-CRDE. The majority of the members of the team belong to CIRANO, an organization whose mission is to transfer knowledge to the industry. In the current project, the interaction with industry has taken various forms. First, regular working sessions are held with the CIRANO partners. Robert Normand, from Desjardins Globas Asset Management, is managing hedge funds and was recently presenting to several members of the team a project for a global macro fund that he would like to launch. The researchers provided a critical assessment of the procedures and several recommendations for improving the statistical soundness of the strategies. These exchanges occur quite frequently also with the other partners. Recently also, a portfolio management software was presented to Patrick Agin form Hydro-Québec and his team. The transfer of knowledge also takes the form of workshops and conferences, which are open to our industrial partners, researchers in the area and other MITACS groups [mainly in the Montréal area or working in Trading/Finance area (Haussmann)]. Several representatives from the industry (partners and othe r corporations) were present at the various workshops and conferences organized by the team members through CIRANO and the CRDE.

In this area, it is worthwhile to stress that we have organized up to now seven conferences on two major themes of our research program, namely Asset Pricing and Portfolio Models and Statistical Models for Financial Time Series. The first one was entitled “Intertemporal Asset Pricing Conference” (CIRANO, Montréal; October 22-23, 1999) and gathered some of the best experts of the field of mathematical asset pricing models in the world. The second one was a thematic meeting of the Canadian Econometric Study Group on “Econometric Methods and Financial Markets” (Université de Montréal; September 25-26, 1999) which also gathered some of the best experts 27 of the field. Both were of interest to academic researchers and our industrial partners and were well attended. Besides we have organized two sessions on finance in the context of the last annual Meeting of the Société canadienne de science économique, which was held jointly with the meeting of the Association des économistes québécois (ASDEQ), a society of business economists, and we are running a highly successful series of Finance seminars at CIRANO which is also of interest to our industrial partners. The third one was a Conference- Workshop on Financial Mathematics and Econometrics (organized by J. Detemple, R. Garcia, E. Renault and N. Touzi) with many leading researchers in the fields, which was held in Montreal (26-30 June 2001). Members of other MITACS were present. The fourth one was a conference on Resampling Methods in Econometrics (Université de Montréal, October 13-14, 2001, organized by J.-M. Dufour and B. Perron), a theme which is central to the statistical part of our MITACS project. The conference attracted both econometricians, statisticians and practitioners interested by applications and extensions of Monte Carlo tests and bootstrap techniques in econometrics and finance. We will edit a special issue of the Journal of Econometrics based on the papers presented at this conference. The fifth conference dealt with Simulation Based and Finite Sample Inference in Finance, (Québec, May 2-3, 2003; organized by M.-C. Beaulieu, J.-M. Dufour, L. Kha laf and A. C. MacKinlay), which is a major focus of our research project.. The sixth and seventh conferences consider were entitled Financial Econometrics Conferences (Montréal, May 9-10 2003, May 4-5 2007, May 7-8 2004, organized by N. Meddahi) and now becoming one of the major events of this field in the world. Given the success of these, several similar confereces took place afterwards. These include: (1) 2 other Financial Econometrics Conferences (May 20-21, 2005; May 5-6, 2006); (2) a conference on Forecasting in Macroeconomics and Finance (April 8-9, 2005); (3) a second conference on Simulation Based and Finite Sample Inference in Finance (April 29-30, 2005); (3) a conference on Realized Volatility (April 22-23, 2006); (4) the 2006 NBER-NSF Time\Series Conference (September 29-30, 2006); (5). A conference Time Series analysis in econometrics and finance (December 8-9, 2006); (6) a conference on the Generalized Method of Moments (November 16-17, 2007). Two other conferences organized by members of our group are now forthcoming: one on forecasting in macroeconomics and finance (organized by J,-M. Dufour in association with IWH in Germany) and a second one on Time Series to be held in Montreal (May 22-23, 2009).
We have also organized regularly short courses on advanced topics in mathematical and statistical finance 4 mini-conferences (Finance Days) of interest to both academic researchers and financial institution professionals (19 during the last 3 years). In particular, during the last year, we have also organized one-day conferences on Portfolio Management (Montréal, December 5, 2003) and Macroeconomics and Finance: The Term Structure of Interest Rates (Montréal, April 4, 2004).

Cooperation between the members of the team takes the form of numerous joint papers as well as conferences, workshops and seminars which are jointly organized. It has been effective and highly successful.