Major Conferences - Events organized in conjunction with partner
organizations-meetings, workshops, tutorials, courses :
10th IWH-CIREQ Macroeconometric Workshop: Recent Advances in Macroeconomic Forecasting
Quatrième colloque CIREQ sur les sées temporelles / Time Series Conference
Colloque sur l'économétrie des interactions / Conference on Econometrics of Interactions
Troisième colloque CIREQ sur les sées temporelles / Time Series Conference
Septième colloque CIREQ-CIRANO sur l'Éonoméie de la finance / Financial Econometrics Conference
Toulouse School of Economics Conference on Financial Econometrics, London.
10th IWH-CIREQ Macroeconometric Workshop: .Recent Advances in Macroeconomic Forecasting.,
Institut fütschaftsforschung Halle / Halle Institute for Economic Research (Halle,
2009 North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society (Boston)
member of Programme Committee.
2009 Annual Meeting of the Société canadienne de science énomique (Mont Tremblant; May)
9th IWH-CIREQ Macroeconometric Workshop: Challenges of Forecasting in Applied Macroeconometrics
Marcel Dagenais Seminar of Macroeconomics and Econometrics
26/04 Werner PLOBERGER (U. of Washington in St Louis) "The
Admissibility of Estimators under Nonstandard Conditions"
18/04 Denis PELLETIER (North Carolina State U.) "Non-Nested
Testing in Models Estimated via Generalized Method of Moments"
12/04 Tao ZHA (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) "Structural
Vector Autoregressions: Theory of Identification and Algorithms
for Inference"
05/04 Xiaodong ZHU (U. of Toronto) "Structural Transformation
and Growth in China: 1978-2000"
29/03 Ivan JELIAZKOV (U. of California, Irvine) "Estimation
of Semiparametric Models in the Presence of Endogeneity and
Sample Selection"
22/03 Manuel AMADOR (Stanford U.) "Learning from the Public
and Private Observations of Others Actions"
15/03 Chuan GOH (U. of Toronto) "Minimax Detection of Structural
Change Using Large Deviations"
01/03 Giorgio PRIMICERI (Northwestern U.) "The Time Varying
Volatility of Macroeconomic Fluctuations"
Marcel Dagenais Seminar of Macroeconomics and Econometrics
15/12 Bertille ANTOINE (U. de Montréal., Ph.D.) "Efficient
GMM with Multiple Rates of Convergence and Application to Nearly-Weak
07/12 Stephanie SCHMITT-GROHÉ (Duke U.) "Optimal
Inflation Stabilization in a Medium-Scale Macroeconomic Model"
30/11 John CHAO (U. of Maryland) "Asymptotic Properties
of IV Estimators for the Case with a Large Number of Weak Instruments"
09/11 Tim CONLEY (Chicago Business School) "Inference With
"Difference in Differences" With a Small Number of
Policy Changes"
02/11 Ximing WU (Texas A&M) "Information-Theoretic
Deconvolution Approximation of Treatment Effect Distribution"
19/10 Ariel BURSTEIN (UCLA) "Firm Dynamics, Innovation,
and International Trade"
12/10 Paul GOMME (Concordia U.) "Measuring the Welfare
Costs of Inflation in a Life-cycle Model"
05/10 Juan RUBIO-RAMIREZ (Duke U.) "Estimating Macroeconomic
Models: A Likelihood Approach"
28/09 Til SCHUERMANN (Federal Reserve Bank of New York) "Firm
Heterogeneity and Credit Risk Diversification"
21/09 Jess BENHABIB (New York U.) "The Distribution of
Wealth and Redistributive Policies"
14/09 Russell DAVIDSON (McGill U.) "Bootstrap Inference
in a Linear Equation Estimated by Instrumental Variables"
07/09 Adi MAYER (Texas A&M) "The Old Boy (and Girl)
Network: Social Network Formation on University Campuses"
30/05 Richard J. SMITH (Cambridge University) "Exogeneity
in Semiparametric Models: Definitions and Tests"
27/04 Philippe FÉVRIER (CREST-ENSAE) "The Nonparametric
Identification of the Mineral Rights Model"
20/04 Zhijie XIAO (Boston College) "Quantile Autoregression
and Nonlinear Dynamics"
13/04 Michele BOLDRIN (University of Minnesota) "A Theory
of Growth and Cycles"
06/04 Peter PEDRONI (Williams College) "Robust Unit Root
and Cointegration Rank Tests for Panels and Large Systems"
30/03 Arpàd ÀBRAHÀM (University of Rochester)
"Endogenous Trading Constraints with Incomplete Asset Markets"
23/03 Norman SWANSON (Rutgers University) "Simulation Based
Specification Testing and Predictive Density Based Model Selection
for Diffusion Processes"
17/03 Jonathan HEATHCOTE (Georgetown University) "Consumption
and Labor Supply with Partial Insurance"
09/03 Yixiao SUN (UCSD) "Optimal Bandwidth Selection in
Heteroskedasticity-Autocorrelation Robust Testing"
23/02 Pol ANTRÀS (Harvard University) "Contracts
and Technology Adoption"
Marcel Dagenais Seminar of Macroeconomics
and Econometrics
05/02/24 Alexander Monge Naranjo (Northwestern
University), "International Mobility of Entrepreneurs"
05/03/17 Nezih Guner (Penn State University) "Macroeconomic
Implications of Size Dependent Policies"
05/03/23 Patrik Guggenberger (UCLA) "Subsampling Tests
of Parameter Hypotheses and Overidentifying Restrictions with
Possible Failure of Identification"
05/03/24 Jonathan Wright (Federal Reserve Board) "Testing
the null of identification in GMM"
05/03/31 Césaire Meh (Banque du Canada), "Housing,
Personal Bankruptcy and Entrepreneurship"
05/04/07 James Stock (Harvard University),Optimal Invariant
Similar Tests for Instrumental Variables Regression
05/04/14 Mikhail Golosov (MIT, MACRO), "Patents, Copyrights
and Hidden Trading: Lessons from a Ricardian Theory of Innovations"
05/04/14 Motohiro Yogo (Wharton Business School, ECONOM) "Asset
Pricing with Reference-Dependent Preferences : Behavioral Foundations
and Empirical Tests"
05/04/21 Daniel Houser (George Mason University), "Experiments
and Econometrics in Emotions and Individual Differences"
05/04/28 Ernesto dal Bo (University of Berkeley), "Workers,
Warriors, and Criminals: Social Conflict in General Equilibrium"
05/09/08 Thierry MAGNAC (IDEI, Université de Toulouse
I), “Partial Identification in Monotone Binary Models”
05/09/15 Francisco BUERA (Northwestern University), “A
Dynamic Model of Entrepreneurship with Borrowing Constraints
: Theory and Evidence”
05/09/29 Gian Luca CLEMENTI (Stern School of Business, New York
University), “Legal Institutions, Sectoral Heterogeneity,
and Economic Development”
05/10/06 Marco BONOMO (Fundaçao Getùlio Vargas),
“Imperfectly Credible Disinflation under Endogenous Time-Dependent
05/10/13 Barbara ROSSI (Duke University), “ Detecting
and Predicting Forecast Breakdowns”
05/10/20 Aysegul SAHIN (Federal Reserve Bank of New York), “Patterns
of Specialization”
05/11/10 Marco DEL NEGRO (Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank), “On
the Fit and Forecasting of New Keynesian Models”
05/11/17 Rohit DEO (Stern School of Business, NYU), “The
Propagation of Memory from Durations to Counts: Theory and Empirical
05/11/24 Jean-Marc ROBIN (Université de Paris I), “Identification
and Estimation of Independent Factor Models”
05/11/24 Jing ZHANG (University of Michigan), “Can Financial
Frictions Account for the Cross-Section Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle?”
05/12/01 Marvin GOODFRIEND (Carnegie-Mellon University), “Narrow
Money, Broad Money, and the Transmission of Monetary Policy”
05/12/02 Marina AZZIMONTI RENZO (University of Iowa) "On
the Dynamic Inefficiency of Governments "
CIRANO-CIREQ-MITACS Financial Econometrics
04/05/07 Peter Brockwell (Colorado State
University) “Lévy-Driven and Fractionally Integrated
Arma Processes with Continuous time Parameter”
04/05/07 Jianqing Fan (Princeton University) “Higher-Order Difference
and GLR Tests for Diffusion Models”
04/05/07 John Heaton (University of Chicago) “Consumption Strikes
04/05/07 Sydney Ludvigson (New York University) “Lank of Addicts?
An Empirical Investigation of Habit-Based Asset Pricing Models”
04/05/07 Lynda Khalaf (Université Laval) “Testing Black's
CAPM with Possibly Non-Gaussain Errors: An Exact Identification-Robust
Simulation-Based Approach”
04/05/07 Rohit Deo (New York Univeristy) “The Variance Ratio Statistic
at Large Horizons”
04/05/07 Samuel Thompson (Harvard University) “Cross-Sectional
Forecasts of the Equity Premium”
04/05/07 Motohiro Yogo (Harvard University) “Efficient Tests of
Stock Return Predictability”
04/05/08 Ivana Komunjer (California Institute of Technology) “Asymmetric
Power Distribution: Theory and Applications to Risk Measurement”
04/05/08 René Garcia (Université de Montréal
) “ Estimation of Stable Distributions by Indirect Inference”
04/05/08 Werner Ploberger (University of Rochester) “Optimal Test
for Markov Switching”
04/05/08 Roch Roy (Université de Montréal ) “Goodness-of-Fit
Tests for ARMA Models with Uncorrelated Errors”
04/05/08 Robert McCulloch (University of Chicago) “On the Determination
of General Scientific Models”
04/05/08 Haitao Li (Cornell University) “A MCMC Analysis of Time-Changed
Levy Processes of Stock Return Dynamics”
04/05/08 Bjørn Eraker (Duke University) “The Performance
of Model Based Option Trading Strategies”
CIRANO-CIREQ-MITACS Macroeconomics and Finance:
The Term Structure of Interest Rates
04/04/02 Monika Piazzesi (University of Chicago)
“What Does the Yield Curve Tell us about GDP Growth?”
04/04/02 Frandis X. Diebold (University of Pennsylvania) “The
Macroeconomy and the Yield Curve”
04/04/02 Glenn Rudebusch (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
“A Macro-Finance Model of the Term Structure Monetary Policy,
and the Economy”
04/04/02 George Tauchen (Duke University) “Regime-Shifts in Term
Structure, Expectations Hypothesis Puzzle, and the Real Business
04/04/02 Andrew Ang (Columbia University) “The Term Structure
of Real Rates and Expected Returns”
04/04/02 Wayne Ferson (Boston College) “Evaluating Bond Government
Fund Performance with Stochastic Discount Factors”
04/04/02 Christian Gourieroux (University of Toronto) “Affine
versus Quadratic Term Structure Models”
CIRANO Seminar in Finance and Econometrics
03/05/16 Andrew HARVEY (Cambridge University)
"Testing for Trend and Seasonality"
03/04/25 Christopher A. SIMS (Princeton University) "Bayesian
Approaches to GMM and IV"
03/04/11 Jeffrey M. WOOLDRIDGE (Michigan State University) "Inverse
Probability Weighted Estimation for General Missing Data Problems"
CIRANO-MITACS Conference on Portfolio Management
/ Conférence sur la gestion de fonds
03/12/05 Lisa Kramer (University of Toronto)
and Mark Kamstra (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) “SAD Investors:
Implications of Seasonal Variations in Risk Aversion”
03/12/05 Anthony Lynch (New York University) “Does Mutual Fund
Performance Vary over the Business Cycle?”
03/12/05 Ravi Jagannathan (Northwestern University) “Assessing
the Risk in Mean-Variance Efficient Portfolios”
03/12/05 Russell Wermers (University of Maryland at College Park)
“ Mutual Fund "Stars: The Performance and Behavior of US Fund
03/12/05 Simon Gervais (Duke University) “Fund Families as Delegated
Monitors of Money Mangers”
03/12/05 Massimo Massa (INSEAD) “Mutual Fund Competition and Stock
Market Liquidity”
03/12/05 Jeffrey Busse (Emory University) “Bayesian Alphas and
Mutual fund Persistence”
03/12/05 Susan Christoffersen (McGill University) “What are the
Value of Assets Under Management”
CIRANO-CIREQ-MITACS Conference on Macroeconomics
and Finance
03/06/06 Angelo Melino (University of Toronto)
“State Dependent Preferences Can Exploain the Equity Premium
03/06/06 Pascal St-Amour (HEC Montréal) “Total Wealth,
Consumption and Portfolio Shares: Evidence and Theory”
03/06/06Ravi Bansal (Duke University) Interpreting Risk Premia
Across Size, Value and Industry Portfolios”
03/06/06 Kris Jacobs (McGill University) “Idiosyncratic Consumption
Risk and the Cross-Section of Asset Returns”
03/06/06 Urban Jermann (University of Pennsylvania) “Using Asset
Prices to Measure the Persistence of the Marginal Utility of Wealth”
03/06/06 René Garcia (Université de Montréal)
“A Consumption CAPM with a Reference Level”
03/06/06 Martin Lettau (New York University) “The Declining Equity
Premium: What Role Does Macroeconomic Risk Play?”
03/06/06 Jesus Santos (University of Chicago) “Understanding Predictability”
CIRANO-CIREQ-MITACS Financial Econometrics
Conference (Delta Hotel, Montréal)
03/05/10 Yongmiao Hong (Cornell University)
"Are the Directions of Stock Price Changes Predictable? A Generalized
Cross-Spectral Approach"
03/05/10 Yanqin Fan (Vanderbilt University) "Estimation of Copula-Based
Semiparametric Time Series Models"
03/05/10 William McCausland (Université de Montréal,
CIRANO and CIREQ) "Time Reversibilityor Irreversibility of Asset
Return Volatility"
03/05/10 Torben G. Andersen (Northwestern University and NBER)
"Correcting the Errors: A Note on Volatility Forecast Evaluation
based on high-Frequency Data and Realized Volatilities.
03/05/10 Oliver Linton (London School of Economics) "Estimating
Semiparametric ARCH () Models by Kernel Smoothing Methods"
03/05/10 Nour Meddahi (Université de Montréal, CIRANO
and CIREQ) "Aymptotic tests based on estimators with a partially
unknown distribution"
03/05/10 Lars Peter Hansen (University of Chicago and NBER) "Semigroup
03/05/10 Jérôme Detemple (Boston University and CIRANO)
"Asset Prices with General Processes"
03/05/10 Jin-Chuan Duan (University of Toronto and CIRANO) "A
Specification Test for Time Series Models by a Normality Transformation"
03/05/10 Federico Bandi (University of Chicago) "Robust Stock
Return Predictability"
03/05/10 Eric Ghysels (University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill and CIRANO) "The MIDAS Touch: Mixed Data Sampling Regression
03/05/09 Yacine Ait-Sahalia (Princeton University and NBER) "Why
Distinguishing Jumps from Volatility is Difficult (But Not Impossible)?"
03/05/09 Siddhartha Chib (Washington University) "Analysis of
Partially Observed Diffusions"
03/05/09 Sean Campbell (Brown University) "Weather Forecasting
for Weather Derivatives"
03/05/09 Ronald Gallant (Duke University and University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill) "Rational Pessimism and Exuberance"
03/05/09 Qiang Dai (New York University) "Are Regime Shifts Priced
in the U.S. Treasury Markets?"
03/05/09 Nikolay Gospodinov (Concordia University and CIREQ) "Asymptotic
Confidence Intervals for Impulse Responses of Near-Integrated
03/05/09 Michael Johannes (Columbia University) "MCMC Maximum
03/05/09 Luca Benzoni (University of Minnesota) "Stochastic Volatility,
Mean Drift and Jumps in the Short Rate Diffusion: Sources of Steepness,
Level and Curvatre in the Yield Curve"
03/05/09 Graham Elliott (University of California at San Diego)
"Biases in Macroeconomic Forecasts: Irrationality or Asymmetric
03/05/09 Christian Gourieroux (University of Toronto, CREST, CIRANO
and CIREQ) "Extended Methodof Moments"
03/05/09 Benoit Perron (Université de Montréal,
CIRANO and CIREQ) "Panel Evidence on Unit Roots in Exchange Rates
and Interest Rates with Cross-sectional Dependence"
Simulation Based and Finite Sample Inference in Finance (Château
Frontenac, Québec)
03/05/03 Robert Stambaugh (University of
Pennsylvania) "Inference about survivors"
03/05/03 John Geweke (University of Iowa) "Compound markov-mixtures
models with applications in finance"
03/05/03 Jay Shanken (Emory University) "Mutual fund performance
with learning across funds"
03/05/03 Giovanni Barone-Adesi (University of Southern Switzerland)
"A multivariate FGD technique for powerful VaR computation in
equity markets"
03/05/03 Denis Pelletier (North Carolina State University and
Université de Montréal) "Backtesting portfolio risk
03/05/02 Yangru Wu (Rutgers University) "Technical trading-rule
profitability, data snooping, and reality check: evidence from
the foreign exchange market"
03/05/02 Raymond Kan (University of Toronto) "Hansen-Jagannathan
Distance: Geometry and exact districution"
03/05/02 Peter Reinhard Hansen (Brown University) "Regression
analysis with many specifications: a bootstrp method for robust
03/05/02 Joseph Chen (University of Southern California) "CAPM
over the long run: 1926-2001"
03/05/02 Jean-Marie Dufour (Université de Montréal)
Black's CAPM with possibly non-Gaussian errors: an exact simulation-based
03/05/02 Bruce Lehmann (University of California at San Diego)
"Diversification and the optimal construction of basis portfolios"
03/05/02 Adlai Fisher (University of British Columbia) "Corporate
investment and asset price dynamics: implications for the cross
section of returns"
CIRANO-CIREQ-MITACS Conference on Monte
Carlo and Numerical Methods in Finance (CIRANO, Montréal)
03/04/04 Nizar Touzi (CREST) "Discrete-time
Approximation and Simulation of Backward Stochastic Differential
03/04/04 Michael S. Johannes (Columbia University) "Nonlinear
Filtering of Stochastic Differential Equiations with Jumps"
03/04/04 Mark Broadie (Columbia University) "Pricing American
Options by Simulation: The Primal-Dual Method and Efficiency Enhancements"
03/04/04 Marcel Rindisbacher (University of Toronto) "Asymptotic
Efficiency of Monte Carlo Estimators for Diffusions"
03/04/04 Jin-Chuan Duan (University of Toronto) "An Enhancement
Path-Derivative Monte Carlo Method for Computing Option Greeks"
03/04/04 A. Ronald Gallant (Duke University) "A Bayesian Approach
to EMM"
CIRANO Seminar in Finance and Econometrics
02/11/15 James HAMILTON (University of California,
San Diego) "Normalization in Econometrics"
02/11/08 James STOCK (Harvard University) "Testing for Weak Instruments
in Linear IV Regression"
02/10/18 Donald ANDREWS (Yale University) "End-of-sample Instability
Tests" and "End-of-sample Cointegration Breakdown Tests".
02/10/11 Guido IMBENS (University of California, Berkeley) "Identification
and Inference in Nonlinear Difference-In-Differences Models"
02/09/17 Ken SINGLETON (Graduate School of Business, Stanford
University) "The Market Prices of Risk in Fixed Income Markets".
02/05/10 Jushan BAI (Boston College) "Estimating Cross-Section
Common Stochastic Trends in Nonstationary Panel Data".
02/04/19 Roza MATZKIN (Northwestern University) "Nonparametric
Estimation of Nonadditive Random Functions".
02/04/16 Jan MAGNUS (Tilburg University) "On the Harm that Pretesting
02/04/10 Pierre DUCHESNE (HEC-Montréal) "Utilisation des
ondelettes pour élaborer des tests dans les modèles
Autorégressifs dans les Durées Conditionnelles".
02/04/05 Offer LIEBERMAN (Technion and Yale University) "High
Order Theory for Fractional Gaussian Processes".
02/03/28 Nicholas POLSON (University of Chicago) "Sequentiel Optimal
Portfolio Performance: Market and Volatility Timing".
02/03/27 Alain LATOUR (Université du Québec à
Montréal ) "Processus GARCH a valeurs entières ".
02/03/22 Jon KNIGHT (University of Western Ontario) "Efficient
Estimation of Markov Models when the Transition Density is Unknown".
02/03/14 John HEATON (University of Chicago) "Wealth and Asset
02/03/08 Yongmiao HONG (Cornell University) "Evaluation of Out-of-Sample
Density Forecasts whit Application to Stock Prices".
02/02/28 Robert De JONG (Michigan State University) "Further Results
on the Asymptotics for Nonlinear Transformations of Integrated
Time Series".
02/01/28 Christian BONTEMPS (CENA, Toulouse) "Testing Gaussianity:
A GMM Approach".
02/01/14 Philippe NAVEAU (École Polytechnique, Paris) "La
convergence presque partout des valeurs extrêmes".
CIRANO-CIREQ-Kluwer Workshop on Financial
Econometrics (Delta Hotel, Montréal)
02/10/26 Vassilis Polimenis (University of
California at Riverside) "The Volatility Sensitivity Ratio and
its Asset Pricing Implications".
02/10/26 Stephen Figlewski (New York University) "Estimation Error
and the Assessment of Financial Risk Exposure"
02/10/26 Peter Christoffersen (McGill University) "Backtesting
Portfolio Risk Measures".
02/10/26 Michael Stutzer (University of Iowa) "Performance and
Risk Aversion of Funds with Benchmarks: A Large Deviations Approach".
02/10/26 Jose Olmo (Universisad Carlos III de Madrid) "Which Extreme
Values are really Extremes?".
02/10/26 David Bates (University of Iowa) "The Market for Crash
02/10/26 Claudio Albanese (University of Toronto) "Dimension Reduction
in the Computation of Value-at-Risk".
02/10/25 Éric Ghysels (University of North Carolina - Chapel
Hill) "Quality Control for Financial Risk Management: Monitoring
Disruptions in the Distribution of Risk Exposure".
02/10/25 Neil Shephard (Nuffield College, University of Oxford)
"Power Variation with Stochastic Volatility and Jumps: Distribution
02/10/25 Mark Salmon (CUBS) " Dynamic Copula Quantile Regressions
and Tail Area Dynamic Dependence in Forex Markets".
02/10/25 John W. Galbraith (McGill University) "Circuit Breakers
and the Tail Index of Equity Returns".
02/10/25 Benoît Pochart (École Polytechnique) "Skewness
and Multifractality in Financial Time Series, applications to
Option Smiles"
02/10/25 Assaf Zeevi (Columbia University) "Bey and Correlation:
Extreme Co-Movements Between Financial Assets".
02/10/25 Andrew J. Patton (London School of Economics) "On the
Out-of-Sample Inportance of Skewness and Asymmetric Dependence
for Asset Allocation".
02/10/25 Adlai Fisher (University of British Columbia) "Regime
Switching and the estimation of Multifractal Processes".
CIRANO-CIREQ-MITACS Econometrics Conference:
Univariate and Multivariate Models for Asset Pricing (Université
de Montréal, Montréal)
02/05/04 Xiahong Chen (London School of Economics)
"Mixing and Strong Dependence Properties of Multivariate Diffusions"
02/05/04 Silvia Gonçalves (CIREQ, CIRANO and Université
de Montréal) "Bootstrapping Autoregressions with Conditional
Heteroskedasticity of Unknown Form"
02/05/04 Robert Kimmel (Princeton University) "Maximum Likelihood
Estimation of Affine Yield Models"
02/05/04 Robert Engle (New York University, University of California
at San Diego) "Theoretical and Empirical Properties of Dynamic
Conditional Correlation Multivariate GARCH"
02/05/04 Nour Meddahi (CIREQ, CIRANO and Université de
Montréal) "Moments of Continuous Time Stochastic Volatility
02/05/04 Marine Carrasco (University of Rochester) "Estimating
Diffusions with a Continuum of Moments"
02/05/04 Lynda Khalaf (CIREQ and Université Laval) "Testing
the CAPM with Possibly Non-Gaussian Error Distributions: An Exact
Simulation-Based Approach"
02/05/04 John Galbraith (CIREQ, CIRANO and McGill University)
"Dimension Reduction for Statistical Controls".
02/05/04 Jeffrey Russell (University of Chicago) "Using Temporal
Aggregation to Distinguish Between rue and Spurious Long Memory"
02/05/04 Francis X. Diebold (University of Pennsylvania, NBER)
"A No-Arbitrage Approach to Range-Based Estimation of Return Covariances
and Correlations"
02/05/04 Denis Pelletier (CIREQ, CIRANO and Université
de Montréal) "Regime Switching for Dynamic Correlations"
02/05/04 Christopher Jones (University of Rochester) "Identification
and Estimation of "Maximal" Affine Term Structure Models: An Application
to Stochastic Volatility"
02/05/03 Ronald Gallant (North Carolina University at Chapel Hill)
"Effective Calibration"
02/05/03 René Garcia (CIREQ, CIRANO and Université
de Montréal) "A Consumption CAPM with a Reference Level"
02/05/03 Peter Christoffersen (CIREQ, CIRANO and McGill University)
"A Dynamic Model of Option Skewness"
02/05/03 Mikhail Chernov (Columbia University) "Alternative Models
for Stock Price Dynamics".
02/05/03 Marcel Rindisbacher (CIRANO and University of Toronto)
"Asymptotic Properties of monte Carlo Estimators of Diffusion
02/05/03 Luca Benzoni (University of Minnesota) "Pricing Options
under Stochastic Volatility: An Empirical Investigation"
02/05/03 Ernst Schaumburg (Northwestern University) "Estimation
of Discretely Sampled Markov Processes with Jumps"
02/05/03 Enrique Sentana (University of Chicago, NBER) "Underidentification?"
02/05/03 Christian Gouriétoux (CIREQ, CIRANO, CREST and
University of Toronto) "Affine Term Structure Models"
CIRANO Seminar in Finance and Econometrics
01/12/21 Christian ROBERT (Université
Paris Dauphine et CREST) " Estimation de mélanges de
distributions: Résultats récents et perspectives
01/12/13 Kilani GHOUDI (Université du Québec à
Trois-Rivières) "Estimateurs non- paramétriques
des distributions de valeurs extrêmes multivariées".
01/12/11 Michael CHERNOV (Columbia University) "Alternative Models
for Stock Price Dynamics''.
01/11/29 Eric ZIVOT (Univesrity of Washington) "Why are Beveridge-Nelson
and Unobserved Component Decompositions of GDP so Different?".
01/11/22 Erzo LUTTMER (University of Minnesota) "Subjective Discounting
in an Exchange Economy".
01/11/20 Nour MEDDAHI (C.R.D.E., CIRANO and Université
de Montréal) "A Theoretical Comparison between Integrated
and Realized Volatilities".
01/11/15 Catherine DOZ (Université de Cergy-Pontoise) "Dynamic
Factor Models: Estimation and Test with an Application to European
Business Surveys".
01/10/19 Ronald GALLANT (University of North Carolina) "Effective
01/10/18 Lutz KILIAN (University of Michigan) "Why Is It so Difficult
to Beat the Random Walk Forecast of Exchange Rates?".
01/10/05 Richard SMITH (University of Bristol) "GEL Criteria for
Moment Condition Models".
01/10/04 Narayana KOCHERLAKOTA (University of Minnesota) "Societal
Benefits of Illiquid Bonds".
01/09/13 Massimo GUIDOLIN (University of Virginia) "Option Prices
and Implied Volatility Dynamics under Rational Learning".
01/07/05 Marco BONOMO (Fundação Getulio Vargas)
"Optimal State-Dependent Rules, Credibility, and Inflation Inertia".
01/06/07 Marine CARRASCO (University of Rochester) "Estimating
Diffusions with a Continuum of Moment Conditions".
01/05/28 Quang VUONG (University of Southern California) "Semiparametric
Estimation of First-Price Auctions with Risk-Averse Bidders".
01/04/27 Richard BLUNDELL (University College of London)
01/04/11 Éric GHYSELS (University of North Carolina - Chapel
Hill and CIRANO) "When Does Microstructure Noise Affect the Estimation
of Asset Pricing Models?".
01/03/30 Peter ROBINSON (London School of Economics)
01/03/29 Javier HIDALGO (London School of Economics), "An Alternative
Bootstrap to Moving Blocks for Time Series Regression Models".
01/03/22 Xiahong CHEN (London School of Economics)
01/03/16 Guido IMBENS (University of California at Los Angeles)
01/03/06 René GARCIA (Université de Montréal,
01/03/02 Peter ROBINSON (London School of Economics), "Fractional
01/02/29 Christian GOURIÉROUX (CREST, PARIS) "Tails and
extremal behaviour of stochastic unit root models".
01/02/26 Éric RENAULT (Université de Montréal,
IFM2, CRDE and CIRANO) " Débat informel autour des exposés
de la Journée Finance du 23 février".
01/02/06 Bryan CAMPBELL (Condordia University, CIRANO and CRDE)
CRDE-MITACS Conference on Bootstrapping
in Econometrics (CRDE, Montréal)
01/10/14 Yuichi Kitamura (University of Wisconsin
- Madison) "Predictive Inference and the Bootstrap"
01/10/14 Wofgang Härdle (Humblodt-Univrsität zu Berlin)
"Dynamic Nonparametric State Price Density using Constrained Least
Squares and the Bootstrap".
01/10/14 Silvia Gonçalves (Université de Montréal)
"Maimum Likelihood and the Bootstrap for Nonlinear Dynamic Models".
01/10/14 Russell Davidson (Queen's University) "Improving the
Reliability of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals"
01/10/14 Olivier Scaillet (Université Catholique de Louvain)
"A Fast Subsampling Method for Nonlinear Dynamic Models".
01/10/14 Norman R. Swanson (Texas A&M University) "Bootstrap
Conditional Distribution Tests Under Dynamic Misspecification".
01/10/14 Nikolay Gospodinov (Concordia University) "Median unbiased
Forecasts for highly Persistent Autoregressive Processes".
01/10/14 Michael Wolf (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) "Subsampling
Inference in Threshold Autoregressive Models".
01/10/14 Joon Park (Seoul National University) "A Bootstrap Theory
for Near-Integrated Processes".
01/10/14 James Mackinnon (Queen's University) "The Power of Bootstrap
and Asymptotic Tests".
01/10/14 Greg Tkacz (Bank of Canada) "A Consistent Bootstrap Test
for Conditional Density Functions with Time-Dependent Data".
01/10/14 Gene Savin (University of Iowa) "Bootstrapping the Box-Pierce
Q Test: A Robust Test of Uncorrelatedness"
01/10/14 Atsushi Inoue (North Carolina State University) "Bootstrapping
GMM Estimators for Time Series"
01/10/13 Yoosoon Chang (Rice University) "Bootstrapping Unit Root
Tests with Covariates".
01/10/13 Richard Luger (Bank of Canada) "Exact Tests for Non-Nested
Non-Linear Regression Models".
01/10/13 Panagiotis Mantalos (Blekinge Institute of Technology)
"ECM-Cointegration Test with GARCH"
01/10/13 Lutz Killian (University of Michigan) "Bootstrapping
Autoregressive Processes with Possible Unit Roots".
01/10/13 Joel Horowitz (Northwestern University) "Bootstrap Methods
for Time Series Data".
01/10/13 Jean-Marie Dufour (Université de Montréal)
"Monte Carlo Tests with Nuisance Parameters: A General Approach
to Finite-Sample Inference and Nonstandard Asymptotics"
01/10/13 Javier Hidalgo (London School of Economics) "Bootstrap
Specification Tests for Covariance Stationary Processes".
01/10/13 James Davidson (Cardiff University) "Alternative Bootstrap
Procedures for Testing Cointegration in Fractionally Integrated
01/10/13 Frédéric Sion-Jouneau (Université
de Lille III) "Techniques for Limited Dependent Variables Models:
Implementation by the Branch and Bound Algorithm".
01/10/13 Efstathios Paparoditis (University of Cyprus) "Bootstrap
Methods for integrated and Cointegrated Processes".
01/10/13 Donald Andrews (Yale University) "Higher-Order Improvements
of the Parametric Bootstrap for Long-Memory Gaussian Processes"
01/10/13 Dimitris Politis (University of California, San Diego)
"Recent Advances in Resampling for Integrated (or Possibly Integrated)
Univariate Time Series".
CIRANO Workshop on Financial Mathematics
& Econometrics (Delta Hotel, Montréal)
01/06/30 Steven E. Shreve (Carnegie Mellon
University) "A Unified Model for Credit Derivatives".
01/06/30 René Carmona (Princeton University) "Filtering
by Particles: Applications to Finance".
01/06/30 Lars Peter Hansen (University of Chicago) and Éric
Renault (Université de Montréal and CIRANO) "5 Econometric
Methods for Option Pricing".
01/06/30 L.C.G. Rogers (University of Bath) "5 Dual Problems Made
Useful: Some Examples Where We Can Actually Say Something".
01/06/30 Christian Gourieroux (CREST) "Compound Autoregressive
01/06/29 Werner Ploberger (University of Rochester) " Ambiguous
Brownian Motion".
01/06/29 Marcel Rindisbacher (University of Toronto) " Asymptotic
Properties of Monter Carlo Estimators of Diffusion Processes".
01/06/29 Lars Peter Hansen (University of Chicago) "Hidden State
Markov Models of Asset Princes"
01/06/29 L.C.G. Rogers (University of Bath) "Dual Problems Made
Honest: Proving Something".
01/06/29 Geneviève Gauthier (HEC, Université de
Montréal and CIRANO) "Numerical Pricing of Contingent Claims
on Multiple Assets and/or Factors - A Low-Discrepancy Markov Chain
01/06/29 Fulvio Ortu (University of Southern California) "Generalized
Numeraire Portfolio".
01/06/29 Elyès Jouini (Université Paris Dauphine
and CREST) " Fixed Trading Costs and Arbitrage: Application to
Interest Rate Models".
01/06/29 Bruno Bouchard (CREST) "Monte Carlo Estimation of Optimal
Stopping Rules".
01/06/28 Robert Kimmel (Princeton University) "Infinite Dimensional
Term Structure Models".
01/06/28 Philippe Schoenbucher (University of Bonn) "Copula-Dependent
Defaults in an Intensity Framework".
01/06/28 Peter Christoffersen (University of McGill) "The Inportance
of the Loss Function in Option Princing".
01/06/28 Lars Peter Hansen (University of Chicago) "3. Intertemporal
Preferences and Risk-Return Tradeoffs".
01/06/28 Larry G. Epstein (University of Rochester) "Recursive
01/06/28 L.C.G. Rogers (University of Bath) "3. Dual Problems
Made Difficult: A General Result".
01/06/28 Kenji Kamizono (Columbia University) "Utility Maximization
under Transaction Costs".
01/06/28 Julien Hugonnier (Carnegie Mellon University) "Optimal
Investment in a Delegated Portfolio Management Framework".
01/06/28 Dilip B. Madan (University of Maryland at College Park)
"Stochastic Volatility for Levy Processes".
01/06/27 Yacine Aït-Sahalia (Princeton University) "The Effects
of Random and Discrete Sampling When Estimating Continuous-Time
01/06/27 Xiaohong Chen (London School of Economics) "Some Temporal
Dependence Properties of Diffusion Processes".
01/06/27 Stanley R. Pliska (University of Illinois at Chicago)
"Risk Sensitive Asset Management with Constrained Trading Strategies".
01/06/27 Nour Meddahi (Université de Montréal and
CIRANO) "An Eigenfunction Approach Modelling".
01/06/27 Lars Peter Hansen (University of Chicago) "2 Semigroup
Models of Markov Princing".
01/06/27 L.C.G. Roger (University of Bath) "2 Dual Problems Made
Concrete: Examples".
01/06/27 Federico Bandi (University of Chicago) "Functional Estimation
of Non-Stationary Continuous-Time Processes"
01/06/27 Dietmar Leisen (McGill University) "Equilibrium Open
01/06/27 David Hobson (University of Bath) "Utility Princing of
Claims on Non-Traded Assets".
01/06/26 Lars Peter Hansen (University of Chicago) "1 Semigroup
Models of Markov Processes".
01/06/26 L.C.G. Rogers (University of Bath) "1 Dual Problems Made
Easy: The Pontryagin Approach".
01/06/26 Jose A. Scheinkman (Princeton University) "Nonlinear
Principal Components"
01/06/26 Ioannis Karatzas (Columbia University) "Optimal Portfolio
/ Consumption Rules for a "Small Investor" under Habit-Formation.
01/06/26 Francis X. Diebold (University of Pennsylvania) "High-
and Low-Frequency Exchange Rate Volatility Dynamics: Range-Based
Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models".
01/06/26 Darrell Duffie (Stanford University) "Valuation in Dynamic
Bargaining Markets"
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Day (CIRANO, Montréal)
01/05/04 Nikolay Gospodinov (Concordia),
"Median unbiased Forecasts for Highly Persistent Autoregressive
01/05/04 Silvia Gonçalves (Université de Montréal)
"Maximum Likelihood and the Bootstrap for Nonlinear Dynamic Models".
01/05/04 Gordon Fisher (Concordia) "Style Index Investment, Margin
of Safety, and Robustness".
CIRANO Seminar in Finance and Econometrics
00/12/08 Yuichi KITAMURA (University of Wisconsin)
"Empirical Likelihood-Based Inference in Conditional Moment
Restriction Models".
00/12/07 Lutz KILIAN (University of Michigan) "Bootstrapping with
Possible Unit Roots".
00/11/24 Russell DAVIDSON (Queen's University) "Improving the
Reliability of Bootstrap Tests".
00/11/21 Nour MEDDAHI (Université de Montréal, CRDE,
CIRANO) "Modélisation de la volatilité : une approche
par fonctions propres".
00/11/14 Richard LUGER (Banque du Canada and CIRANO) "Exact Nonparametric
Tests for a Random Walk with Unknown Drift under Conditional Heteroskedasticity".
00/11/13 Jean-Marie DUFOUR (CRDE, Université de Montréal,
CIRANO) "Dévergondages asymptotiques - QD : une méthode
simple et rapide pour construire des tests asymptotiques sans
connaître la distribution asymptotique de la statistique
de test".
00/11/10 Lars Peter HANSEN (University of Chicago) "Robustness
and Pricing with Uncertain Growth"
00/11/09 Enrique SENTANA (CEMFI, CEPR and LES FMG) "Least Squares
Predictions and Mean-Variance Analysis".
00/11/07 Enrique SENTANA (CEMFI, Madrid, CEPR and LES FMG) "Constrained
EMM and Indirect Inference Estimation".
00/11/02 Paolo ZAFFARONI (Banca d’Italia) "Contemporaneous Aggregation
of GARCH Processes".
00/10/31 Lynda Khalaf (Université Laval), "Tests d'hypothèses
basés sur des simulations pour les grands échantillons
et les échantillons finis dans les modèles d'équations
simultanées" .
00/10/27 Bruce Hansen (Wisconsin-Madison University), "Hypothesis
Testing and Confidence Intervals for Nonlinear Functions of Regression
00/05/28 White, Halbert (University of California at San Diego),
"A Reality Check for Data Shooping".
00/05/20 Fan, Yanqin (Windsor University), "Wavelets and Their
Applications", joint with Université de Montréal,
Université du Québec à Montréal, Université
Concordia, Université McGill, CREFE and CIRANO.
00/05/14 Newey, Whitney (MIT), "Bootstrapping from Efficient Distributions",
joint with Université de Montréal, Université
du Québec à Montréal, Université Concordia,
Université McGill, CREFE and CIRANO.
00/05/01 Jacquier, Eric (Graduate School of Business, Boston College
and CIRANO), "Introduction to Bayesian Econometrics an some Applications
to Finance", May 5, 8 and 12.
00/03/31 Perron, Benoît (Université de Montréal),
"The seemingly unrelated dynamic cointegration regression model
and testing for purchasing power parity", joint with Université
de Montréal, Université du Québec à
Montréal, Université Concordia, Université
00/03/31 Meddahi, Nour (Université de Montréal),
"Temporal aggregation of volatility models", joint with Université
de Montréal, Université du Québec à
Montréal, Université Concordia, Université
00/03/31 Galbraith, John (McGill University), "Using high-frequency
data in estimating daily GARCH models", joint with Université
de Montréal, Université du Québec à
Montréal, Université Concordia, Université
CIRANO Seminar in Finance and Econometrics
99/11/26 Ghysels, Eric (Pennsylvania State
University and CIRANO), "A New Class of Stochastic Volatility
Models with Jumps: Theory and Estimation", CIRANO finance seminar.
99/11/19 Horowitz, Joel (Iowa University), "An Adaptive, Rate-Optimal
Test of a Parametric Model against a Nonparametric Alternative",
joint with Université de Montréal, Université
du Québec à Montréal, Université Concordia,
Université McGill, CREFE and CIRANO.
99/11/10 Lari-Lavassani, Ali (University of Calgary), "A Discrete
Valuation of Swing Options", CIRANO finance seminar.
99/10/29 Dufour, Jean-Marie, and Olivier Torrès, "Markovian
Processes, Two-Sided Autoregressions and Exact Inference for Stationary
and Nonstationary Autoregressive Processes", Journal of Econometrics,
99/10/15 Tauchen, George (Duke University), "Efficient Method
of Moments", Joint seminar (finance) of departments of economics
of Université de Montréal, UQAM, Concordia, Mc Gill,
99/10/15 Bollerslev, Tim (Duke University), "High Frequency Data
and Integrated Volatility", CIRANO finance seminar.
99/09/27 Zakoian, Jean-Michel (CREST et Lille), "Linear-Representations
Based Estimation of Switching-Regime GARCH Models", CIRANO seminar
99/09/24 Andrews, Donald (Yale University), "Testing when a Parameter
is on the Boundary of the Maintained Hypothesis", Joint seminar
(econometrics) of departments of economics of Université
de Montréal, UQAM, Concordia, Mc Gill and CREFE.
99/09/17 Jacobs, Kris (Mc Gill University), "Short and long memory
in equilibrium interest rate dynamics", CIRANO finance seminar.
99/07/14 Bonomo, Marco (Graduate School of Economics, Getulio
Vargas Foundation) "Elections and Exchange Rate Policy Cycles",
CIRANO finance seminar.
99/06/28 Montini, Emmanuel, "Les modèles de risque de crédit",
CIRANO finance seminar.
99/06/02 Mahieu, Ronald (Erasmus University, Rotterdam), "Price
Discovery on Foreign Exchange Markets with Differentially Informed
Traders", Joint seminar, CIRANO, CRDE and Department of Economics,
Université de Montréal.
99/05/07 Decamps, Jean-Paul (GREMAQ, Université de Toulouse),
"Should I Stay or Should I Go? Excessive Continuation and Dynamic
Agency Costs of Debt".
99/04/30 Hallock, Kevin (University of Illinois et Princeton University),
"Have Employment Reductions Become Good News for Shareholders?
The Effects of Job Loss Announcements on Stock Prices, 1970-1997".
99/04/01 Wright, Jonathan (Universiy of Virginia), "Semiparametric
Estimation of Long-Memory Volatility Dependencies: The Role of
High Frequency Data", Joint seminar, CIRANO, Université
de Montréal and CRDE.
99/03/26 Jouini, Elyès (CREST-ENSAE et Stern School of
Business, NYU) "Pricing Non-Redundant Assets in Continuous Time:
An Equilibrium Approach".
99/03/18 Calvet, Laurent (Harvard University), "A Multifractal
Model of Asset Returns", Joint seminar, CIRANO, Université
de Montréal and CRDE.
99/02/19 Gençay, Ramazan (Windsor University), "Real-Time
Trading Models and the Statistical Properties of Foreign Exchange
Canadian Econometrics Study Group, Université
de Montréal (J.-M. Dufour and René Garcia) - Theme:
Econometric Methods and Financial Markets
99/10 Third Lecture - George Constantinides,
University of Chicago, "Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Consumers
and Limited Participation: Empirical Evidence"; Alon Brav, Duke
University; Christopher Geczy, University of Pennsylvania
99/10 Second Lecture - Larry Epstein, University of Rochester,
"Ambiguity, Risk and Asset Returns in Continuous Time", Zengjing
Chen, Shandong University
99/10 First Lecture - Franklin Allen, University of Pennsylvania,
"Optimal Currency Crises", Douglas Gale, New York University,
99/10 "Value-at-Risk Based Risk Management: Optimal Policies and
Asset Prices", Suleyman Basak, University of Pennsylvania, Alex
Shapiro, New York University
99/10 "Money, Market Equilibrium and Stock-Return Predictability",
Pierluigi Balduzzi, Boston College
99/10 "Learning-Induced Securities Price Volatility", Peter Bossaerts,
California Institute of Technology
99/10 "Investment Distortions Caused by Debt Financing", Nathalie
Moyen, University of Colorado at Boulder
99/10 "Financial Innovation and Information : The Role of Derivatives
when a Market for Information Exists", Massimo Massa, INSEAD
99/10 "Efficient Intertemporal Allocations with Recursive Utility",
Bernard Dumas, INSEAD, NBER and CEPR; Raman Uppal, University
of British Columbia and MIT; Tan Wang, University of British Columbia
99/10 "Crash Discovery in Stock and Option Markets", Gurdip Bakshi,
University of Maryland, Dilip Madan, University of Maryland
99/10 "Comparing Stochastic Discount Factors through their Implied
Measures", Paul Glasserman, Columbia University, Yan Jin, Goldman,
Sachs & Co.
99/10 "A Multivariate Model of Strategic Asset Allocation", John
Campbell, Harvard University; Yeung Lewis Chan, Harvard University;
Luis M. Viceira, Harvard University
99/09 "Semiparametric Indirect Inference", Ramdan Dridi (GREMAQ,
London School of Economics), Éric Renault (CREST-INSEE,
Université de Paris IX-Dauphine).
99/09 "Resampling in Neural Network With Application to Exchange-Rate
Data", Peter Kim, Lingxue Pan (Univeristy of Guelph), Tony Wirjanto
(University of Waterloo).
99/09 "Real-Time Trading Models and the Statistical Properties
of Foreign Exchange Rates", Ramazan Gençay (University
of Windsor), Giuseppe Ballocchi, Michel Dacorogna, Richard Olsen
and Olivier Pictet (Olsen & Associates).
99/09 "Nonlinear Innovations and Impulse Responses", Christian
Gouriéroux (CREST) and Joanna Jasiak (York University).
99/09 "Modeling Stock Return Data with Time Varying Higher Moments",
Anil Bera, Gamini Premarathne (Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
99/09 "Lets’s Get "Real" about Data: A Reexamination of Macroeconomic
Announcements and Tracking Portfolios", Peter Christoffersen (McGill
University), Eric Ghysels (Pennsylvania State University) and
Norm Swanson (Pennsylvania State University).
99/09 "Intertemporal Asset Pricing Conference" (Jérôme
Detemple and René Garcia).
99/09 "High-order Improvements of a Computationally Attractive
k-step Bootstrap for Extremum Estimators", Donald Andrews (Yale
99/09 "Estimation of Discrete Response Models Under Multiplicative
Heteroscedasticity", Songnian Chen (Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology) and Shakeeb Kahn (University of Rochester).
99/09 "Cointegration and Threshold Adjustment", Walter Enders
(Iowa State University) and Pierre Siklos (Wilfrid Laurier University).
99/09 "Aggregation of Long Memory Processes", Nour Meddahi (C.R.D.E.,
CIRANO, Université de Montréal).
99/09 "A New Approach to Modeling the Volatility of Short-Term
Interest Rates", Huirong Li and Jian Yang (University of Western
99/09 "A New Approach to Modeling Volatility Dynamics", John M.
Maheu (University of Alberta), Thomas H. McCurdy (University of
99/09 "A Dependence Metric for Nonlinear Time Series", E. Maasoumi,
Jeffrey Racine, C.W. Granger (University of South Florida).
99/09 "A Complete Class of Tests When the Likelihood is Locally
Asymptotically Quadratic", Werner Ploberger (University of Rochester).
Annual Meeting of the Société
canadienne de science économique (J.-M. Dufour and René
Garcia) - Hull/Ottawa
99/05 "Non-linéarité stochastique
et importance des événements rares dans le rejet
de l’hypothèse de normalité des rendements boursiers
à partir des tests statistiques classiques", Mourad Dridi
(MODEM, Université de Paris X-Nanterre).
99/05 "L’État-providence des entreprises: Les politiques
canadiennes de promotion de l’investissement", André Raynauld
(Université de Montréal), Françoy Raynauld
99/05 "La composante d’aversion au risque de l’écart cours
acheteur-cours vendeur: le cas de titres interlistes", Marie-Claude
Beaulieu (CRÉFA, Université Laval), Guy Bellemare
(CRÉFA, Université Laval).
99/05 "Information, Arbitrage and Optimal Portfolio and Consumption
Policies", Marcel Rindisbacher (Université de Montréal).
99/05 "Estimation non paramétrique de fonctions de prix
d’option sous contrainte de monotonicité et de convexité",
René Garcia (C.R.D.E., CIRANO, Université de Montréal),
Ramazan Gençay (University of Windsor).
99/05 "Asymmetric Smiles, Leverage Effects and Structural Parameters",
René Garcia (C.R.D.E., CIRANO, Université de Montréal),
Richard Luger (Université de Montréal), Éric
Renault (CREST et Paris IX-Dauphine).
Events organized for students - workshops,
courses, summer schools, graduate courses etc. :
Econometrics Seminar (Université de Montréal, Montréal)
04/02/27 Mark Watson (Princeton University)
“To be announced”
04/03/19 Werner Ploberger (University of Rochester) “To be announced”
04/03/26 Ken West (University of Wisconsin, Madison) “To be announced”
04/04/30 John Geweke (Iowa University)
Econometrics Seminar (Université de Montréal, Montréal)
03/03/21 William McCausland (Université
de Montréal) "Time Reversibility or Irreversibility of
Asset Return Volatility"
03/03/21 Douglas Hodgson (Université du Québec à
Montréal) "Asset Pricing Theory and the Valuation of Canadian
03/03/21 Lynda Khalaf (Université Laval) "Finite Sample
Multivariate Diagnostic Tests of Asset Pricing Models"
03/06/19 Aman Ullah (University of California at Riverside) “Combined
Estimator of Time Series Conditional Geteroscedasticity”
03/09/12 James Heckman (University of Chicago) “Structural Equations,
Treatment Effects and Econometric Polity Evaluation”
03/10/10 Ariel Pakes (Harvard University) “Simple Estimators for
the Parameters of Discrete Dynamic Games”
03/10/24 Timothy J. Vogelsang (Cornell University) “A New Asymptotic
Theory for Heteroskedasticity-Autocorrelation Robust Tests”
03/10/31 Alastair Hall (North Carolina State University) “Information
in Empirical Likelihood and Generalized Method of Moments Estimation”
03/11/21 Charles Manski (Northwestern University) “Statistical
Treatment Rules for Heterogeneous Populations”
03/11/28 James Mackinnon (Queen's University) “Finite-Sample Properties
of Tests Based on a Single Structural Equation”
CIRANO-MITACS-RCM2 Portofolio Choice Conference
(CIRANO, Montréal)
03/03/07 Raman Uppal (London Business School)
Systemic Risk and International Portfolio Choice".
03/03/07 Ali Lazrak (University of British Columbia) "Revisiting
Treynor and Black (1973): an Intertemporal model of Active Portfolio
03/03/07 Costis Skiadas (Northwestern University) "Optimal Lifetime
Consumption-Portfolio Strategies under Trading Constraints and
Generalized Recursive Preferences"
03/03/07 Hong Liu (Washington University) "Optimal Consumption
and Investment with Transaction Costs and Multiple Risky Assets"
03/03/07 Peter Bossaerts (Caltech and CEPR) "Equilibrium Asset
Pricing Under Heterogeneous"
03/03/07 Tan Wang (University of British Columbia) "Model Misspecification
and Under-Diversification"
03/03/07 Michael Brandt (University of Pennsylvania and NBER)
"Portfolio and Consumption Choice with Option Implied State Prices"
03/03/07 Jessica Wachter (New York University) "Does the Failure
of the Expectations Hypothesis Matter for Long-Term Investors?"
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Day : Portolio Management:
Fund Performance and Flows (CIRANO, Montréal)
02/12/06 Allan Timmerman (Univerisyt of California,
San Diego) "Can Mutual Fund "Stars" really prick Stocks? New
Evidence form a Boostrap Analysis"
02/12/06 Lu Zheng (University of Michigan Business School) "On
Industry Concentration of Actively Managed Equity Mutual Funds"
02/12/06 Susan Christoffersen (McGill University) "The Market
for Record-Date Ownership"
CIRANO-CIREQ-MITACS Finance Day: Forecasting
Methods Macroeconomics and Finance (CIRANO, Montréal)
02/06/17 Francis Diebold (University of Pennsylvania
and NBER) "Forecasting the Term Structure of Government Bond
02/06/17 Monika Piazzesi (UCLA and NBER) "Bond Risk Premia"
02/06/17 Michael McCracken (University of Missouri-Columbia) "Forecast-Based
Model Selection in the Presence of Structural Break"
02/06/17 Barbara Rossi (Duke University) "Testing Long-Horizon
Predictive Ability with High Persistence, and the Meese and Rogoff
02/06/17 Frank Schorfheide (University of Pennsylvania) "Priors
from General Equilibrium Models for VARs: Forecasting and Identification"
02/06/17 Simon van Norden (HEC and CIRANO) "The Reliability of
Inflation Forecasts Based on Output Gap Estimates in Real Time"
02/06/17 Bryan Campbell (Concordia University, CIRANO and CIREQ)
"Forecasting Some Low-Predictability Time Series Using Diffusion
02/06/17 Clive Granger (University of California at San Diego)
"Some Thoughts on the Future of Economic Forecasting"
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Day: Monte Carlo and
Numerical Methods in Finance (CIRANO, Montréal)
02/03/15 Ulrich Haussmann (University of
Brithish Columbia) "Convergence of the Modefied Willow Tree"
02/03/15 Nizar Touzi (CREST, Paris and CIRANO) "Application of
Malliavin Calculus for the Computation of the Regression Function"
02/03/15 Marcel Rindisbacher (University of Toronto and CIRANO)
"Asymptotic Properties of Monte Carlo Estimators of Diffusion
02/03/15 Fernando Zapatero (University of South California) "Monte
Carlo Valuation of America Options through Computation of the
Optimal Exercise Frontier"
02/03/15 Alfredo Ibanez (ITAM, Mexico) "Option Pricing Implications
of Maximum Hedging Strategies in Incomplete Markets"
02/03/15 Michael Brandt (University of Pennsylvania and NBER)
"Simulated Likelihood Estimation of Affine Term Structure Models
from Panel Data"
02/03/15 Garland Durham (University of Iowa) "Numerical Techniques
For Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Continuous-Time Diffussion
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Day: Financial Derivatives
(CIRANO, Montréal)
01/12/07 Steve Heston (Goldman Sachs): "The
Expectations Hypothesis in a Log-Linear Bond Model"
01/12/07 Kenneth Vetzal (University of Waterloo): "Understanding
the Behaviour and Hedging of Segregated Funds Offering the Reset
01/12/07 Kris Jacobs (McGill University and CIRANO): "GARCH Option
Pricing: Specifying and Estimating Objective and Risk Neutral
Volatility Dynamics"
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Day: Emerging Market
Risk Management (CIRANO, Montréal)
01/11/09 Graciela Kaminsky (George Washington
University) "Currency Crises: Fundamentales or Contagion".
01/11/09 Francesca Carrieri (McGill University) "Characterizing
World Market Integration Through Time".
01/11/09 Peter Christoffersen (McGill University and CIRANO) "Size
Matters: The Impact of Capital Market Liberalization on Individual
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Day: New Statistical
Methods for Old Financial Problems (CIRANO, Montréal)
01/10/19 Ronald Gallant (University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill), "Effective Calibration".
01/10/19 Pierre Collin-Dufresnes (Carnegie Mellon University)
"Do Bonds Span Fixed Income Markets? Theory and Evidence for Unspanned
Stochastic Volatility".
01/10/19 Jean-Marie Dufour (Université de Montréal,
CIRANO, CRDE) "Exact Simulation-Based Tests in Multivariate Regressions:
Applications to Asset Princing Models".
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Day: Corporate Finance
(CIRANO, Montréal)
01/05/11 Randall Morck (University of Alberta),
"Does Firm-specific Information in Stock Prices Guide Capital
01/05/11 Denis Gromb (MIT), "Equilibrium and Welfare in Markets
with Financially Constrained Arbitrageurs".
01/05/11 Anup Agrawal (University of Alabama), "CEO Succession:
Insiders versus Outsiders".
01/05/11 Martin Boyer (HEC and CIRANO), "Do CEOs Exercise Their
Stock Options Earlier than Other Executives?".
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Days: Finance Day
on Option Pricing (CIRANO, Montréal)
01/04/06 David Bates (University of Iowa),
"The Market for Crash Risk"
01/04/06 Jin-Chuan Duan (University of Toronto and Hong Kong University
of Science & Technology), "Risk Premium and Pricing of Derivatives
in Complete Markets".
01/04/06 Stylianos Perrakis (Concordia University), "Stochastic
Dominance Bounds on Derivatives Prices in a Multiperiod Economy
with Proportional Transaction Costs".
01/04/06 Éric Renault (Université de Montréal,
CRDE and CIRANO), "Empirical Assessment of an Intertemporal Option
Pricing Model with Latent Variables".
CIRANO-IMF2-UdeM Workshop on Mathematical
Finance (CIRANO, Montréal)
01/03/12 Nizar Touzi, (Université
de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne et CIRANO), "Couverture
dans un marché financier complet en temps continu".
01/03/21 Nizar Touzi, (Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne
et CIRANO), "Formulation duale du problème de sur-couverture
de présence de contraintes de portefeuille".
01/03/26 Nizar Touzi, (Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne
et CIRANO), "Exemples : modèles de Black et Scholes avec
contraintes de portefeuille et Modèle à volatilité
01/04/02 Nizar Touzi, (Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne
et CIRANO), "Évaluation et couverture dans le modèle
d'utilité exponentielle".
01/04/09 Nizar Touzi, (Université de Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne
et CIRANO), "Marchés financiers avec coûts de transaction".
01/04/12 Nizar Touzi, (Université de Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne
et CIRANO), " Mesure de risque scalaire et vectorielle : axiomatique
et caractérisation duale".
CIRANO-IFM2-UdeM Workshop in Finance (CIRANO,
01/03/05 Eric Jacquier (CIRANO and Boston
College): Financial Market Volatility
01/03/06 Eric Jacquier (CIRANO and Boston College): Financial
Market Volatility
01/04/02 Peter Christofersen (CIRANO and McGill) and Francis X.
Diebold (University of Pennsylvania): Value at Risk: State of
the Art
01/04/03 Peter Christofersen (CIRANO and McGill) and Francis X.
Diebold (University of Pennsylvania): Value at Risk: State of
the Art
01/05/14 René Garcia and Eric Renault (CIRANO and Université
de Montréal): Black_Scholes and Beyond
01/05/15 René Garcia and Eric Renault (CIRANO and Université
de Montréal): Black_Scholes and Beyond
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Days: New Approaches
for Volatility Modeling (CIRANO, Montréal)
01/02/23 Robert Engle (Stern Business School,
New York University), "Dynamic Conditional Correlation - A Simple
Class of Multivariate GARCH Models".
01/02/23 Neil Shephard (Nuffield College, Oxford University),
"Econometric Analysis of Realised Volatility and its Uses in Estimating
Levy Based Non-Gaussian OU type Stochastic Volatility Models"
01/02/23 Nour Meddahi (Université de Montréal, CRDE
and CIRANO), "An Eigenfunction Approach for Volatility Modeling"
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Day: Volatility Modeling
and Financial Applications (CIRANO, Montréal)
00/12/01 Andrew Matytsin (Merrill Lynch),
"Modelling Volatility and Volatility Derivatives"
00/12/01 Eric Jacquier (Boston College University & CIRANO),
"Portfolio Optimization with Factor Constrained Time Varying Covariances"
00/12/01 Marc-André Lewis (CIRANO), "Estimation of Objective
and Risk Neutral Distributions Based on Moments of Integrated
CIRANO-MITACS Workhop on Credit risk (CIRANO,
00/11 Jeanblanc, Monique (Université
d’Évry): 4 workshops on Credit risk
CRDE Short course on Value-at-Risk (VaR)
in finance (Université de Montréal, Montréal)
00/11/07 Gouriéroux, Christian (CREST):
"Definition and Estimation of Value-at-Risk"
00/11/13 Gouriéroux, Christian (CREST): "Portfolio management
with extreme risks: VaR sensitivity, efficient VaR portfolio,
LIRA utility functions"
00/11/21 Gouriéroux, Christian (CREST): "VaR in credit
and derivative portfolios"
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Day: Estimation of
Diffusions (CIRANO, Montréal)
00/11/03 Yacine Ait-Sahalia (Princeton University),
"Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Discretely Sampled Diffusions:
A Closed-Form Approximation Approach"
00/11/03 Ola Elerian (Nuffield College, Oxford University), "Likelihood
Inference for Discretely Observed Non-Linear Diffusions"
00/11/03 Michael Johannes (Columbia University), "A Non-Parametric
Approach to Jumps in Interest Rates"
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Day (CIRANO, Montréal)
:New Methods in Financial Risk Management
00/10/13 Frank Diebold (University of Pennsylvania
and NBER), "VARs for VaRs "
00/10/13 John Galbraith (McGill University and CIRANO), "Properties
of Estimates of Daily GARCH Parameters Based on Intra-Day Observations"
00/10/13 Victor Chernozhukov (MIT), "Conditional Extremes and
00/10/13 Simone Manganelli (European Central Bank), "CAViaR: Conditional
Autoregressive Value-at-Risk by Regression Quantiles"
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Day (CIRANO, Montréal)
00/04/07 Anderson, Torben (Kellogg Graduate
School of Management, Northwestern University), "Estimating
Jump-Diffusions for Equity Returns".
00/04/07 Bakshi, Gurdip (Robert H. Smith School of Business, University
of Maryland), "Why are Implied Volatility Curves Embedded in Individual
Equity Options so Flat?
00/04/07 David, Alexander (Federal Reserve Board, Washington,
DC), "Option Prices with Uncertain Fundamentals: Theory and Evidence
on the Dynamics of Implied Volatilities and Over/Underreaction
in the Options Market".
CIRANO-MITACS Finance Day (CIRANO, Montréal)
00/01/21 Gouriéroux, Christian (CREST),
"Sensitivity Analysis of Values at Risk".
00/01/21 Renault, Éric (ENSAI-CREST), "Asymmetric Smiles,
Leverage Effects and Structural Parameters".
00/01/21 Rindisbacher, Marcel (University of Toronto and CIRANO),
"A Monte-Carlo Method for Optimal Portfolios".
00/01/21 McCurdy, Tom (University of Toronto), "Measuring and
Forecasting FX Volatility Dynamics".
CIRANO-MITACS Short course on nonparametic
methods in finance (CIRANO, Montréal)
99/02/17 Gouriéroux, Christian (CREST),
"Nonparametric Methods in Finance - 1", CIRANO seminar.
99/02/18 Gouriéroux, Christian (CREST), "Nonparametric
Methods in Finance - 2", CIRANO seminar.
99/03/04 Gouriéroux, Christian (CREST), "Nonlinear Innovations
and Impulse Response Functions", Joint seminar, CIRANO, Université
de Montréal and CRDE.
CIRANO-MITACS Short course on factor models
in finance (CIRANO, Montréal)
99/01/15 Renault, Éric (CREST), "Cross-Sectional
and Longitudinal Latent Variable Models for Stochastic Discount
99/01/22 Renault, Éric (CREST), "Factor Analysis, Principal
Components and Financial Applications".
99/01/29 Renault, Éric (CREST), "Dynamic and Non-Linear
Extensions of Factor Analysis and Principal Components".
99/02/05 Renault, Éric (CREST), "A General Asset Pricing
Framework with State Variables".
99/02/12 Renault, Éric (CREST), "Hidden Markov State Variables
and Volatility Analysis.